Seen On the Street Wisps. By Street Art SF Team on January 30, 2017 Location: Treasure Island Artist: Hueman.
Seen On the Street Dreamy Frosting. By Street Art SF Team on April 10, 2016 Location: Market St @ 58th St in Oakland, Ca Artist: Hueman. Hueman just finished the frosting mural on the left for Marley Treats. Note the cupcake in the window. The stenciled lady on the right is by MissyMToyz
Seen On the Street Floral Crown. By Street Art SF Team on March 11, 2016 Location: Front St @ Sacramento in San Francisco, Ca Artist: Hueman.
Seen On the Street Wander and Wayfair. By Street Art SF Team on July 18, 2015 Location: Brannan @ 3rd St in San Francisco, CA Artist: Hueman (Building facade) Christina Angelina.
Seen On the Street Danger Close at Hand. By Street Art SF Team on June 03, 2015 Location: Brannan @ 3rd Street in San Francisco, Ca Artist: Hueman.
Seen On the Street Urduja Warrior Princess By Street Art SF Team on February 13, 2014 Location: 4th and Brannan in San Francisco, Ca Artist: Hueman. Photoset Photoset
Seen On the Street Emerging Face. By Street Art SF Team on June 27, 2013 Location: Capp @20th Street in San Francisco, Ca Artist: Eon75. Hueman.
Seen On the Street Space in Time. By Street Art SF Team on June 18, 2013 Location: [Freespace] Mission @8th Street in San Francisco, CA Artist: Hueman.