Seen On the Street Quarter Pounder By Street Art SF Team on March 01, 2017 Location: San Pablo at 30th St in Oakland, CA Artist: Ceaver 640. Skill WC UTI Large production happened recently on San Pablo with around 10 pieces.
Seen On the Street Burglar. By Street Art SF Team on April 17, 2016 Location: Solano Alley @ 17th Ave in East Oakland, Ca Artist: Thief 640. Unknown.
Seen On the Street Theef. By Street Art SF Team on February 27, 2016 Location: Solano Way @ 18th Ave in Oakand, Ca Artist: Theef 640. UTI. AFC.
Seen On the Street In the Moment. By Street Art SF Team on January 07, 2016 Location: Downtown San Francisco, Ca Artist: Logo 640. Reptile EK. PI Photoset Photoset
Seen On the Street Bent out of Shape. By Graff Hunter on November 13, 2015 Location: 27th St in Oakland, Ca Artist: Ceiv640. Ceaver.Ceav640 Photographer: Graff Hunter.
Seen On the Street Ms. Money. By Street Art SF Team on November 09, 2015 Location: Osage Alley @ 24th St in San Francisco, Ca Artist: Money. Deb8 640 Lords.
Seen On the Street They have come to take back what was never theirs to begin with… By Graff Hunter on April 24, 2015 Location: San Pablo in Oakland, CA Artist: Binty Bint (Bird). Logo 640 PTV. Photographer: Graff Hunter.
Seen On the Street 666 graffiti. By Graff Hunter on January 08, 2015 Location: 27th @ West Grand in Oakland, Ca Artist: Logo 640. Photographer: Graff Hunter.
Seen On the Street Clenched Fist By Graff Hunter on October 21, 2014 Location: Telegraph Ave in Oakland, CA Artist: Broke. 640. PTV Photographer: Graff Hunter.
Seen On the Street The Worst. By Graff Hunter on October 14, 2014 Location: West Oakland, CA Artist: Broke. 640. Gats. PTV. Photographer: Graff Hunter. Photoset Photoset
Seen On the Street Setting the Aura. By Nite Owl on October 09, 2014 Location: By Laney College in Oakland, Ca Artist: Nite Owl, Aura CBS 640, and Ham Photographer: Nite Owl.
Seen On the Street Onedr says peace. By Street Art SF Team on August 24, 2014 Location: Cypress Alley @ 24th Street in San Francisco, Ca Artist: Reptile.Aura. CBS. Onedr.